

  • 發布日期:105-01-23
  • 發布機關:農委會(秘書室)

  近年來,南海地區主權爭議不斷, 102 年元月菲律賓依據《聯合國海洋法公約》附件七之規定,對中國大陸提出南海仲裁案,並在去( 104 )年 11 月 24 日至 30 日之第二階段言詞辯論中,扭曲事實、曲解法律,主張太平島是「岩礁」而非「島嶼」,不得享有超過 12 海里之海洋權利。對此,行政院及外交部已多次發表聲明表示,無論就歷史、地理及國際法而言,面積 0.51 平方公里的太平島,身為南沙群島最大自然生成島嶼,不但可維持人類居住更能維持本身經濟生活,符合《聯合國海洋法公約》第 121 條之島嶼要件,因此,中華民國對太平島享有《聯合國海洋法公約》所賦領海、鄰接區、專屬經濟海域和大陸礁層之完整權利。

  去年 12 月 12 日內政部長陳威仁率同相關部會官員,登上太平島主持碼頭及燈塔啟用典禮,並當場從島上現有水井取水試飲,證明水質非常良好,當日食用的午餐,也是來自島上原生或同仁種植的蔬果及豢養的家禽,充分顯示太平島本身的自然條件確實能夠維持人類居住及其本身經濟生活。


  為進一歩以科學方法論證太平島確為島嶼之事實,農委會於本( 105 )年 1 月 22 至 23 日邀請水質、土壤、植被、法政等專家學者組成調查團,實地勘查島上自然及農業生產環境外,另於 1 月 23 日由外交部林部長永樂、行政院大陸委員會夏主任委員立言、行政院環境保護署魏署長國彥,我國內外法政學者,包括陳純一教授、宋燕輝研究員、王冠雄教授、陳荔彤教授及林正義研究員等人,以及菲律賓「馬尼拉公報」專欄作家 Jose Zaide 、美國「戰略暨國際研究中心( CSIS )」之「亞洲海事透明倡議( AMTI )」主任 Greg Poling 等組成訪視團,登上太平島訪查島上水井、天然植被、農場、觀音堂及住民遺址,並參觀太平島的太陽能光電設施、燈塔、碼頭、通信設備、南沙醫院等設備。

島上水源可供飲用 比澎湖本島地下水質更佳

  本次調查團進行登島調查,在水文水質調查部分,目前太平島上可供抽用地下水之水井共計 4 口,經過採樣檢測分析結果顯示,其中一口井地下水水溫約為 28 ℃,導電度為 838 μ mho/cm ,總溶解性固體為 418mg/L ,根據以上數據判斷島上水源為淡水,可以供人飲用,且較澎湖本島之地下水質為佳。

土壤自然化育而成 可供原生植物及農作物生長

  在土壤資源調查部分,依島上 5 個不同土地用途,包括草生地區、椰子樹生長區、種菜區、海岸林區與灌木區,分別挖取土壤剖面進行調查,以了解土壤基本特性及形態特徵,並進行土壤樣品取樣與依需要進行實驗室分析。調查結果顯示,當地土壤是自然化育而成,可供原生植物生長及農作物生產使用。島上土壤之組成與剖面特性主要有兩類土壤。第一類土壤主要存在於太平島外緣,表土灰黑色,富含枯枝落葉,下層無鳥糞層,其表土 20 公分主要為粗砂夾雜植物枯枝落葉,有土壤構造,富含植物根,具石灰質性質, 20 至 60 公分深度為珊瑚礁風化物質。第二類土壤主要存在於太平島內緣,表土黑色,富含枯枝落葉, 20 公分以下有鳥糞層特性,其表土 40 公分內主要為砂土混雜枯枝落葉,夾雜棕色塊狀鳥糞,有完整土壤構造,有機質含量較高且富含植物根,具石灰質性質。上述兩類自然化育土壤均可供天然林及農作物生長。

天然資源豐富 物種多達 106 種

  另外,在植被調查及土地利用部分,本次透過現場調查方式,記錄太平島不同植被類型的植物資源,以及可供人為生活生產使用之相關產物及分布範圍。調查結果顯示,島上原生的天然植被茂盛,原始海岸森林鬰閉良好,且林下可見蕨類植物長葉腎蕨生長,顯示森林環境穩定能有效涵養水源、截留森林蒸散及補充土壤腐植質。野生的椰子、木瓜及芭蕉散布全島各處,全年均可收成,可構成維持人類居住及經濟生活之要件。經文獻及本次調查結果,島上植物以熱帶海岸漂流林為主,共紀錄 46 科 106 種陸域植物,其中喬木 20 種、灌木 16 種、蔓性植物 17 種,草本植物 53 種。島上胸高直徑超過 100 公分以上之樹木計有欖仁樹、棋盤腳、蓮葉桐及瓊崖海棠等 4 種常見熱帶喬木 147 株,樹齡多在 100 至 150 年間。其中,島上最大的一顆原生樹蓮葉桐,高達 4 、 5 層樓,樹圍 907 公分(數人合抱)。其他野生作物有椰子、木瓜及芭蕉樹,其中椰子約 500 棵,年產量約 1,500 粒,椰子風味絕佳,木瓜、芭蕉生長於灌木叢間各約 50 棵,年收成各約 200 到 300 公斤,果香濃蘊。長久以來,駐守人員善加利用島上各種資源,並種植各式熱帶蔬果,計有玉米、地瓜等主食作物及秋葵、南瓜、絲瓜、苦瓜、高麗菜等 10 餘種蔬果作物,生長狀況良好。另島上豢養飼養警衛犬 6 隻、羊 12 隻及雞 180 隻,除犬隻擔任夜間警戒外,雞、羊成長後可供食用,另亦有雞蛋補充營養,供應生活所需。

觀音堂提供駐島官兵精神寄託 墓碑證實先民活動遺跡

  在人文史蹟方面,此次登島的成員,也參訪了太平島觀音堂,這是駐島人員有感於精神上需要寄託,於民國 48 年間從臺灣分火引進的,最初建立時,僅是就地取材建成類似大型神龕的外型,就連廟柱都是用罐頭串連而成,之後歷經駐島人員多次整修,成為今日所見到的觀音堂。而在觀音堂附近,除發現有清代古墓,更有日本將「新南群島」(即南沙群島之部分島嶼)納入臺灣總督府管轄,編入高雄州高雄市期間在太平島上人員之紀念碑,以及我國在民國 35 年 12 月 12 日收復南沙太平島時所立的「太平艦到此」紀念碑。上述事證顯示太平島上早有人類之活動,是該島足以維持人類居住之又一有力證據。


  另外,應邀參團的我國內學者紛紛表示,此次訪問我南沙太平島,親眼見證我政府歷年和平經略南海之成果,同時也深入瞭解太平島符合《聯合國海洋法公約》第 121 條關於「島嶼」之要件,足以維持人類居住及其自身經濟生活。如同上述科學資料顯示,太平島現有之水井出產水質甚為良好之淡水,足應駐守人員之所需,而該島原生土壤之土質亦佳,可供原生植物生長並足供栽種可食用之作物,亦能出產足量之青草,供豢養之羊群食用。而太平島上的觀音堂亦充分照顧到了駐守人員的信仰需求,現存的住民遺址則展現歷代住民在該島活動的痕跡。上述種種事證,使我國內學者一致同意太平島絕對是「島嶼 (island) 」,符合可維持人類居住及維持本身經濟生活之要件,而非菲律賓方面所稱之「岩礁 (rock) 」。

  另有我國內學者表示,菲律賓對《聯合國海洋法公約》第 121 條第 3 項之詮釋,純屬其單方觀點,不僅未獲國際法學界之普遍認同,更未獲任何國際判例之支持,不足為信。如果依據菲方之片面詮釋,則美國主張擁有專屬經濟海域 (Exclusive Economic Zone, EEZ) 的貝克島 (Baker Island ,不產淡水,亦無人居 ) 、金曼礁 (Kingman Reef ,高潮時露出水面之面積僅 0.012 平方公里 ) 、日本主張擁有 EEZ 的沖之鳥礁 ( 面積約 8 平方公尺,極為狹小,不產淡水、無農作物、亦無人居 ) ,以及眾多不產淡水、仰賴集雨為生之島國均不得主張 EEZ ,牽涉甚廣、茲事體大。因此,仲裁庭對此議題理應抱持謹慎態度,不應在未經詳查之情況下,貿然輕信菲方單方面說法,以免影響眾多國際社會成員之權益,引起不必要之紛爭與衝突。


  我政府邀請參團嘉賓親嚐太平島淡水及以當地食材烹煮之料理,以及參觀該島各項和平建設及文史遺址,並說明中華民國政府以和平方式捍衛其法定權益,以及我政府歷來和平經略南海之政策作為,盼國際社會肯定我政府於去年 5 月 26 日提出之「南海和平倡議」,並應注及中華民國在南海之存在及權益,以適當方式將我國納入南海多邊協商機制,以利維持南海的和平及穩定。
  綜上,經過本次專家學者再次實地登島考察後,中華民國政府重申太平島作為南沙群島最大自然生成島嶼,不但可維持人類居住,更能維持本身經濟生活,符合《聯合國海洋法公約》第 121 條之「島嶼」要件。中華民國政府堅決捍衛太平島為一島嶼的事實,任何企圖對此加以否定之主張,均無法減損太平島之島嶼地位,以及其得依《聯合國海洋法公約》所享有之海洋權利。而各當事方欲緩解南海當前緊張局勢,仍應參考我國政府提出之「南海和平倡議」,以「主權不能分割、資源可以共享」為原則,循和平協商化解爭議,共同將南海轉化為「和平及合作之海」。

Taiping Island is an island, not a rock, and the ROC possesses full rights associated with an exclusive economic zone and continental shelf in accordance with UNCLOS

On December 12, 2015, ROC Minister of the Interior Chen Wei-zen led a group of related government officials on a trip to Taiping Island to preside over a ceremony marking the opening of a wharf and lighthouse. During this visit, Minister Chen and the other members of the group drank water taken from a well on the island, proving that water quality there is very high. Moreover, the lunch they had that day consisted of local natural ingredients, products from livestock raised on the island, as well as vegetables and fruits grown by personnel stationed there. This clearly showed that the conditions on Taiping Island are such that it can sustain human habitation and economic life of its own.

ROC and foreign experts visit Taiping Island to conduct surveys, the results of which underline the fact it is an island To provide further scientific evidence that Taiping Island qualifies as an island, the ROC Council of Agriculture invited a team consisting of water, soil, vegetation, and legal experts to survey Taiping Island from January 22 to 23, 2016, and conduct an updated examination of its natural and agricultural environment. In addition, a group of senior ROC government officials including Minister of Foreign Affairs David Y. L. Lin, Minister of the Mainland Affairs Council Andrew L. Y. Hsia, and Minister of the Environmental Protection Administration Wei Kuo-yen visited Taiping Island on January 23, 2016, to inspect wells, natural vegetation, agriculture, the Guanyin Temple, as well as the remains of past structures, and tour the island’s solar power facilities, lighthouse, wharf, communications equipment, and Nansha Hospital. They were accompanied by ROC scholars including Prof. Chun-I Chen, Dr. Yann-Huei Song, Prof. Kuan-Hsiung Wang, Prof. Cheng-Yi Lin, and Dr. Lih-Torng Chen, as well as foreign experts including Mr. Jose Zaide, columnist for the Manila Bulletin, and Greg Poling, Director of the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative of the US-based Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Water on Taiping Island is potable and of higher quality than groundwater on Penghu Island The aforementioned survey team observed that, with regard to water resources, there are four operational groundwater wells on Taiping Island. The results showed that the temperature of the water in one of the wells was approximately 28 degrees Celsius, with electrical conductivity of 838 μmho/cm, and total dissolved solids of 418 mg/L. It can be concluded from these measurements that the water on Taiping Island is freshwater that can be used as drinking water, and is of higher quality than the groundwater found on Penghu Island.

Soil on Taiping Island is naturally formed and supports indigenous vegetation as well as agricultural crops Meanwhile, samples were taken from five different areas—i.e., the sod area, coconut tree area, vegetable cultivation area, coastal forest area, and shrub area—in order to gain a better understanding of the basic properties and structural characteristics of the soil on Taiping Island. Field results revealed that soil on the island is naturally formed and supports indigenous vegetation as well as agricultural crops. The island’s soil composition and soil-profile characteristics show two main types of soil. The first type is found mainly on the outer periphery of the island. Its topsoil is grayish black, with many dry twigs and fallen leaves, and no guano layer underneath. The first 20 centimeters of topsoil consists primarily of coarse sand with a mixture of dry twigs and leaves, has definite soil structure with an abundance of plant roots, and is calcareous. At a depth of 20 to 60 centimeters it consists of eroded coral materials. The second type is found chiefly in inland areas of the island: black topsoil with many dry twigs and fallen leaves. At a depth of 20 centimeters there is a guano layer. The topsoil down to 40 centimeters consists primarily of sand with many dry twigs and leaves, and a large amount of brown lumps of guano. It is calcareous with well-formed soil structure, a greater amount of organic matter, and an abundance of plant roots. Both types of naturally formed soil on the island support indigenous vegetation and agricultural crops.

Taiping Island possesses abundant natural resources, including 106 land-based plant species As for vegetation and land use, onsite surveys were conducted to record the plant resources and different types of vegetation on Taiping Island, as well as the types and distribution of related products that can be used by island inhabitants for daily life needs or cultivation. The surveys revealed an abundance of indigenous natural vegetation. The primeval coastal forest area is fairly dense, with giant sword fern (Nephrolepsis biserrata) growing in it, indicating a stable forest environment that can effectively hold water, preserve evaporation, and replenish soil humus. Wild coconut, papaya, and plantain are found all over the island and can be harvested throughout the year, enabling Taiping Island to sustain human habitation and economic life of its own. According to the scientific literature and the results of the onsite surveys, vegetation on the island is comprised mainly of tropical coastal drifting flora, with a total of 106 land-based plant species from 46 families, including 20 species of trees, 16 species of shrubs, 17 species of lianas, and 53 species of herbaceous plants. There are 147 trees on the island taller than chest height with girths greater than 100 centimeters, belonging to four common tropical species: the Indian almond (Terminalia catappa), fish poison tree (Barringtonia asiatica), lantern tree (Hernandia nymphaeifolia), and Alexandrian laurel (Calophyllum inophyllum). Most of these trees are 100-150 years old. The largest is a lantern tree four to five stories high, with a girth of 907 centimeters (equaling the arm spans of several people). Other wild crops include coconut, papaya, and plantain. There are approximately 500 coconut trees on the island, producing about 1,500 wonderfully flavored coconuts each year. There are also approximately 50 papaya trees and 50 plantain trees that grow in shrub areas, producing 200-300 kilograms of high-quality papayas and plantains each year. Personnel stationed on the island have long utilized all types of resources on the island and cultivated various tropical vegetables and fruits, including staple foods such as corn and sweet potato as well as 10 other types such as okra, pumpkin, loofah gourd, bitter melon, and cabbage. These crops grow well on the island. In addition, six dogs, 12 goats, and 180 chickens live on the island. The dogs act as guards during the night while the goats and chickens provide sources of food that meet the needs of people on the island.

Guanyin Temple meets the spiritual needs of personnel stationed on Taiping Island, and tombstones show traces of past human activity With regard to culture and history, members of the survey team visited the Guanyin Temple, built in 1959 to meet the spiritual needs of personnel stationed on Taiping Island. The original temple was built in the form of a big shrine using readily available materials, with its pillars made from cans strung together. It has since been renovated several times. Near the Guanyin Temple is a tombstone dating back to the Qing dynasty, as well as a stone marker erected during the time when Japan had incorporated Taiping Island and the Shinnan Gunto (part of the Nansha Islands) in Takao City of Takao Prefecture (today’s Kaohsiung City and Pingtung County), under the jurisdiction of the Japanese governor-general of Taiwan. Also in the vicinity is a memorial stele marking the recovery of the island by the ROCS Taiping on December 12, 1946. All of this demonstrates that humans have long been active on Taiping Island, offering powerful evidence that Taiping Island has sustained human habitation.

Eminent scholars participating in the trip to Taiping Island reaffirm that Taiping Island qualifies as an island ROC scholars on the team stated that, during their visit to Taiping Island, they witnessed the achievements of the ROC government’s peaceful operations in the South China Sea. They also confirmed that Taiping Island, being able to sustain human habitation and economic life of its own, meets the criteria of an island as defined in Article 121 of UNCLOS. According to the scientific data mentioned above, wells on the island provide high-quality freshwater that can meet the needs of personnel stationed there. The soil is also of good quality, supporting natural plants and agricultural crops and producing enough grass to feed the goats on the island. The Guanyin Temple fulfills the spiritual needs of personnel while the remains of past structures show traces of human activity through the years. Based on all of this evidence, the ROC scholars unanimously agree that Taiping Island is an island that can sustain human habitation and economic life of its own, and is therefore not a rock as claimed by the Philippines.

ROC scholars have also noted that the Philippine interpretation of Paragraph 3 of Article 121 of UNCLOS is not widely accepted in the international legal community and is not supported by any international legal precedent. The Philippine line of argumentation is therefore not credible. In fact, if the Philippines’ interpretation were to be accepted, serious issues could arise, as several nations would no longer be able to claim EEZs of certain islands. These include the United States (Baker Island—uninhabited and without freshwater; Kingman Reef—land area above water during high tide only 0.012 square kilometer) and Japan (Okinotorishima—extremely small, with an area of roughly 8 square meters, uninhabited, and no freshwater or crops). Furthermore, numerous island nations that have little freshwater and rely on rainwater harvesting would not be able to claim EEZs. The arbitral tribunal should therefore address this issue with great caution, conduct a comprehensive study, and refrain from accepting the Philippines’ unilateral position, so that the interests of other members of the international community are not jeopardized and unnecessary disputes and conflicts do not emerge.

ROC government briefs scholars on peaceful efforts to safeguard its legal interestsAt the invitation of the ROC government, guests drank Taiping Island freshwater, enjoyed a meal prepared from locally produced ingredients, and visited the island’s facilities and cultural sites. The government elaborated on its efforts to protect its legal interests, as well as its operations in the South China Sea, through peaceful means. The ROC government urges the international community to support the South China Sea Peace Initiative it put forward on May 26, 2015, take note of the ROC presence and interests in the South China Sea, and include the ROC in related multilateral negotiation mechanisms in an appropriate manner, so as to safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea.

Following the inspection visit to Taiping Island by the aforementioned group of experts and scholars, the ROC government once again reiterates that Taiping Island is the largest naturally formed island in the Nansha Islands, can sustain human habitation and economic life of its own, and meets the criteria of an island as defined in Article 121 of UNCLOS. The ROC government staunchly defends Taiping Island’s status as an island. Attempts to undermine this status, as well as corresponding maritime entitlements accorded by UNCLOS, will not succeed. Any party that wishes to alleviate tension in the South China Sea should refer to the South China Sea Peace Initiative put forward by the ROC government and seek to resolve disputes through peaceful negotiations in accordance with the principle that, even though sovereignty cannot be divided, resources can be shared, so as to jointly transform the South China Sea into a sea of peace and cooperation.

In recent years, parties concerned have continued to be at odds over sovereignty disputes in the South China Sea. In January 2013, the Philippines initiated arbitration against mainland China concerning the South China Sea in accordance with Annex VII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). During the second hearing from November 24 to 30, 2015, the Philippines distorted the facts and misinterpreted the law to argue that Taiping Island is a rock and not an island, and that it therefore should not have any maritime entitlements beyond 12 nautical miles. The Executive Yuan and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China have issued statements on numerous occasions reiterating that, whether from the perspective of history, geography, or international law, Taiping Island, with an area of 0.51 square kilometer, is the largest naturally formed island in the Nansha (Spratly) Islands, can sustain human habitation and economic life of its own, and meets the criteria of an island as defined in Article 121 of UNCLOS. Therefore, with regard to Taiping Island, the ROC enjoys full rights associated with territorial waters, a contiguous zone, an exclusive economic zone (EEZ), and a continental shelf in accordance with UNCLOS.


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