英文 中文
Rope 綱索
rope meat 繩狀肉
Rope sifter 排繩莊置
Rope twisting 製繩機
Rope-net making machine 繩網加工機械
roplet coverage 霧粒覆蓋
Rose 玫瑰
rose hydrosols 玫瑰純露
roselle 洛神葵
Rot 腐爛病
Rot resistance 耐腐性
Rotala rotundifolia sp. 圓葉類
rotation 輪伐期
Rotation 輪養
Rotational crop 輪作作物
rotational flow 旋性流
Rotatoria 輪蟲
Rotifer 輪蟲
rotten-germ kernels 腐芽粒
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade ; PIC 鹿特丹公約
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