農復會出版品目錄 民國37年至68年 ( 1948~1979 )
- Farm Price Reporting in Taiwan / S. C. Hsieh (May 1952)
- Rural Land Taxation in Taiwan / S.H. Yeh (July 1952) pdf
- Food Administration in Taiwan / S. C. Hsieh, S.M. Yeh and T.S. Kuo (Aug. 1953)( Supplement to Economic Digest Series No.3 : Rice Crisis in Spring 1953, Taiwan ) pdf
- Farm Income of Taiwan in 1952 / by Y.C. Tsui (Aug. 1954)
- A Study on the Export potentiality and Elasticity of Agricultural Products in Taiwan (Sept. 1954) pdf
- A Study of Peanuts on Taiwan / Young-chi Tsui (Feb. 1955) pdf
- Rice Marketing in Taiwan / S.H. Yeh (Jan. 1955) pdf
- Taiwan Agricultural Statistics. 1901-1955 (Dec. 1956) pdf
- A Study of Wheat in Taiwan / Young-chi Tsui (June 1957)
- Application of Linear Programming to Crop Competition Study in Taiwan / S. C. Hsieh (Oct. 1957) pdf
- Per Capita Consumption Level of Basic Food in Taiwan / Sing-min Yeh (Dec.1957) pdf
- An Analytical Review of Agricultural Development in Taiwan / S. C. Hsieh and T.H. Lee (July 1958)
- A Summary Report on Farm Income of Taiwan in Comparison with 1952 / Y. C. Tsui (Dec. 1959) pdf
- A Study of Existing Social Conditions in the Eight Townships of the Shihmen Reservoir Area Impact of Irrigation and Benchmarks for Measuring Social Changes / by Jean T. Burke (May 1962) pdf
- Irrigation Investment in Taiwan-An Economic Analysis of Feasibility Priority and Repayability Criteria (Oct. 1977) pdf
- A Study on Rural Labor Mobility in Relation to Industrialization and Urbanization in Taiwan / Y. C. Tsui and T. L. Lin (May 1964) pdf
- Agricultural Development and Its Contributions to Economic Growth in Taiwan / S. C. Hsieh and T. H. Lee (May 1966) pdf
- Taiwan Agricultural Statistics 1901-1965 (Dec. 1966) pdf
- Technological Changes and Agricultural Development of Taiwan, 1946-65 / You-tsao Wang (Apr. 1966) pdf
- Taiwan Farm Income Survey of 1967 (Jan. 1970) pdf
- Growth Rates of Taiwan Agriculture, 1911-1972 / T. H. Lee and Y. E. Chen (Jan. 1975) pdf
- Taiwan Agricultural Statistics 1961-1975 (May 1977) pdf
- Agriculture Economic Research Papers (Oct. 1978) pdf