
農復會出版品目錄 民國37年至68年 ( 1948~1979 )


  1. Yeast-Feeding Demonstration in Selected Primary Schools, Taipei Area, Taiwan / Yang Yueh-heng (July 1955) pdf
  2. Translation of Survey Report on Taiwan Rice Losses on Fields and Drying Grounds During Harvest Prepared by PDAF (Apr. 1955) pdf
  3. Germ Rice / Ralph N. Gleason and Yang Yueh-heng (May 1956) pdf
  4. Survey Report on Use of Chemical Fertilizers and Farm-Supplied Manures by Taiwan Framers on 1954 Rice Crops / Ralph N. Gleason and Mo-si Hu (1957) pdf
  5. Taiwan Food Balances, 1935-1954 / Ralph N. Gleason (June 1956) pdf
  6. Survey and Analysis of Refuse in Taiwan / Hung-chi Lee and E. L. Fitzgerald (1957) pdf
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