
農復會出版品目錄 民國37年至68年 ( 1948~1979 )

英文特刊 ─林業特刊 ( FORESTRY SERIES )

  1. Forest Conditions in Taiwan / Paul Zehngraff [June 1951] pdf
  2. Forest Policy and Program for Taiwan / Tom Gill [Nov.1952]
  3. Forest Resources of Taiwan / G. E. Doverspike, Paul Zehngraff and Hsing-chi Yuan pdf
  4. A Forestry Program for Taiwan / Tom Gill, H. D. Cochran and E. L. Demmon [Apr. 1957] pdf
  5. Land Use Conditions in Taiwan / Emile C. H. Hsia [1957] pdf
  6. Forest Management Guide for Taiwan / Paul Zehngraff and Others [1959] pdf
  7. Windbreaks in Taiwan / Tse-chang Sheng and Han Kang [1961] pdf
  8. Soil Conservation in Taiwan / Ira K. Landon [1963] pdf
  9. Watershed Conditions Problems and Research Needs in Taiwan / Robert E. Dils [1964] pdf
  10. Landslide Classification and Studies of Taiwan / Ted C. Sheng [1966] pdf
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